
Preparations for a Part-Time Job Web Interview

Preparations for a Part-Time Job Web Interview

In this day and age, many companies use online job interviews as a preliminary step to screen prospective applicants to the next round. This may be the most efficient way for both interviewer and interviewee side, as they can save time and money for travel and spend them on other chances. Some companies even complete all the recruitment online. Clear an online job interview, then you can succeed to the follow-up interview, or obtain a coveted job offer.

Out of COVID-19 breakout, video interviews are expected to be more and more popular in order to obey social distancing protocols in Japan, the same for part-time jobs. An online interview should be taken seriously and prepared well just as an in-person interview, still there are subtle differences between preparing them two. This article is going to share how to prepare for an online interview, some tips and common NG cases to help you succeed.

What is a web interview?

A web interview, or online interview, is conducted remotely on smartphones or computers instead of meeting in-person. Interviewers and interviewees can participate in an online interview just sitting at an office or home.

There are several formats: audio interview without video, or both audio and video; With an interviewer on the other end, or nobody but questions pre-recorded. An online interview closest to an in-person one should be someone sitting on the other end and conversing on both audio and video. Video conferencing softwares like Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, etc, are often used by interviewers. It is important to ask the interviewer what the format is, what software to use ahead of time. Also preparation rules apply to all cases.

Preparations before a web interview

First of all, have yourself ready just as an in-person interview, such as a list of often-asked questions, a resume, basic knowledge of the company, etc. Then do the following special things for an online interview:


-Intermet: Make sure that the interview won't be cut off or lagged due to bad internet connection. It may be wise to plug in a hard connection with an Ethernet cable, or a stable Wi-Fi connection. Still the former is recommended as video conferencing may take up too much bandwidth to cause a spotty Wi-Fi connection overly lagged.

-Audio: Ensure your speakers and microphone work well and you can be heard clearly and loudly without static.

-Video: Confirm your camera set in good conditions without too dark or too light. Show yourself rightly inside the camera's frame.

You had better familiarize yourself with these technologies beforehand. A mock interview with families or friends is highly recommended to check these settings.

Set a professional username and icon to log on

It is a bad idea to show your favourite animation character by your logging on icon. A photo on your resume is easy for the interviewer to find you from a long list of applicants. Create a professional username that helps the interviewer understand it is you immediately, such as a variation on your real name.

Sit spot

-Locations: Choose those locations undistracting visually and soundly, no interrupt and safe to talk about private things. Co-working spaces, rental conference rooms, self-study rooms or computer rooms at universities are good choices. If the interview is going to happen in your own room, make sure it is clean and tidy. Choose a plain wall as your backdrop, if no such area, clear away any posters that may make interviewers distracted.

-Environment: Shut down other applications on the smartphone or computer to make sure not to be interrupted. Ensure your phone makes no sound. Keep pets, children quiet or well supervised. Position yourself and the interviewer a quiet space to engage in the interview.

-Sitting posture: Sit straight and no lean, slouch, or fidget just as you are interviewed face-to-face. This will present a positive image and your seriousness to the job.


Don't overlook attire just because it is online, like wearing suits at top but room wear at bottom. Maybe only your body above waist is thought to be seen through a camera, but your leg may be also displayed when you take a bow, or stand up to grab something.

Dress yourself the same way you would for an in-person interview. Avoid those bright or distracting colors, or jewelry to let interviewers focus on you but not your outfit. Your appearance and your body language are crucial to make a good and professional impression.

Put pen and paper handy for taking memos

When taking memos in the middle of an interview, it is better to write down on the paper but not typing on the keyboard. You may behave unengaged during typing, or cut off the interview by mistake. Also interviewers may feel disturbed by the sound of your typing. Put a pen and paper handy for the time.

Some tips during a web interview

Make eye contact

In the case of an in-person interview, you make eye contact by looking at the interviewer's eyes directly. But this doesn't work for an online interview. You should keep looking at the camera but not the image on your computer screen.

If you feel uncomfortable with this, paste a photo of your friend above the camera and imagine that you are talking with this friend. Adjust the angle of your camera carefully to make sure you will not look down the interviewer.

Focus on listening

Listen carefully to what interviewers are saying just as what you will do during an in-person interview. Conversing online is easy to be distracted and disturbed by internet or environmental factors. An earphone may help you focus on listening.

Speak in normal speed

Don't speak too fast, make yourself heard clearly. Adjust your talking speed according to the interviewer's reaction. Wait a few seconds before speaking to avoid cutting in.

Common fail cases for web interviews

Pay attention to these common NG cases: video or audio cut off in the middle, acting unprofessionally when technical difficulties occur, fancy wallpaper behind you, looking around during listening, an eyesight from top, or speaking too fast. Avoid these actions and ace your online job interviews!